Friday, February 25, 2011

Target Savings

Running tally of $ saved at Target since 2/16 - $202.19 plus I have $20 in gift cards in my wallet.

Total OOP - $89.47, the majority of which was spent last night since I got a box of Pull-Ups on clearance, some milk, etc and didn't roll my gift card transactions.

I also noticed that Target calculates the amount of money saved differently than I would. When I tallied it up on my own, I had saved more than the receipt claims at the bottom, but I think sometimes they start counting after store coupons. Cheaters.

I know I've taken home at least $300 worth of stuff and $70 in gift cards in the last 10 days. Target is just awesome. Sale + store coupon + manufacturer coupon + gift card deal = AMAZING. I think once their frozen food deal is over with I'll lay off for a while, but I still check every day to see what's up.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Most people hate them. I hated them. Hell, I used to throw them away because nothing is more frustrating than taking a coupon to the store, realizing that the store brand is cheaper than name brand + coupon, and you end up buying store brand anyway. Am I right?

Then I read on about how Sherry watched a show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. Apparently they got picked up for an entire series. The special is on a sporadic rerun schedule, I haven't been able to catch it yet. I was able to catch some clips on Hulu, and what I saw intrigued me deeply. So I decided to give it a try. I made my usual every 2 week shopping list, found as many coupons as I could and went to the store. I saved $65 after sales and coupons. It's a good amount, but I was sort of frustrated. How did these chicks get this stuff for free?

One of the girls featured was Joanie Demer. I started searching for her on youtube and saw that she's been on TV tons of times. She runs a website called with her friend Heather Wheeler.

And this is where the lightbulbs started going off. On their site I started learning about manufacturer vs store coupons, how to coupon stack, how to learn coupon policies and use them. So I researched all last week and decided to try my first deal. I went to eBay and bought 10 coupons for Finish dishwasher tabs. I got 10 boxes at Target for $0.25 each. I was excited. This was the sort of stuff they did, this was getting stuff for almost free.

I subscribed to the Sunday paper and waited for it to come. When it did I started using their website to anticipate the deals for that week and estimate how many newspapers I was going to buy. I bought 10. This is where I realized not all papers are created equally.

The Chicago paper had all the coupons they had talked about online. The Northwest Indiana papers had nothing. Awful coupons. The coupons in the inserts change regionally. I ended up with 6/10 having the coupons I needed.

My first big haul was at CVS this past Sunday. I walked out saving over $100 and spending only $18 on things like soda, 12 containers of laundry detergent, candy, printer paper, etc. I also got a free glucose meter at Walgreens and made $5 in register rewards. After hitting up all the stores for as much free stuff as I could manage, I came home feeling pretty good. Then I discovered, where they outlined how you can make out like a bandit with their frozen food sale this week. Of course I felt like I wanted to fill my freezer for free too, so I printed as many coupons as I could and ended up taking home $130 worth of frozen food for $19.

I caught on a lot quicker than most people do, but I know for a fact that anyone can do this. I used to dread the checkout lane. Beep by beep, my fate was decided for me and I knew I couldn't walk out of Target without paying at least $100 on stuff I knew we needed/wanted.

Now I decide how much I'll pay for something. This includes clothing, office supplies, candy, etc. Anything you can think of, you can get for cheap or free. I got free jeans last night as well as all my frozen food by taking advantage of a clearance sale and combining it with a coupon.

I'm still learning and I'm still in my stockpiling phase. At first you will be going to the store quite often and spending about what you used to every month, but bringing home 6x the stuff. After you build your stockpile (in my case 1 year of what my family needs to survive) you can walk into the grocery store every week, pick up some produce and be done. And that is my goal.

After last night I think I have enough frozen food to last 3 months, but I'm thinking about going back today for more. 1 year is my goal, and we can't eat dishwasher or laundry detergent.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Steal x2

Didn't I tell you I buy things for the cheap? Didn't I tell you I was a bargain hunger?

Well in this case I was as much a "hunter" as a guy who hits a deer with his truck is a "deer hunter", but I digress.

While walking through Target buying paper plates and such, I stumbled upon the dusty remains of their home decor event. Everything remaining is 75% off. And there, lo and behold, are two of these:

Originally priced at $149.00, got them for $37.25. Let me say that again. $37.25.

Side tables, for a living room I guess. I'm using them in my bedroom cause I'm nifty like that.

Who needs garage sales??

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Since we're all showering at different people's houses lately (see renovation post), I had Anna hold on to my kids for a few minutes longer tonight while I ran to Meijer to get some masking tape for said "renovation."

While there, I had to look in the kitchen section. I just can't help myself.

I snagged one of these for 50% off, or $11.00.

*Anchor Hocking cake stand. To display all the crap I make that nobody will eat.

I also bought a horrible cupcake cake for Jake's class, to take with him on Friday. I won't get into how I feel about cupcake cakes, but let's just say we have a tepid relationship...

Maybe the kids in his class will feel the same way and Jake will bring some rejects home, to display in my cake stand.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So you know the old-style bath and shower mixer taps with the plastic star design?

Yeah, that one there in the middle. The cheap plastic thing.

Well the name label fell off of ours. The little circular plastic thing in the middle.

Chuck's reaction to this?

Change the whole fixture! So we get down to brass pipes and he finds that there's a slight leak.

Leak? Rip out the whole wall!

So we are on day two of not having a bath or shower.. but he's working on it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Test, test

I'm testing this great blogger app on my G1 and it seems to be working great. I can't add pictures but when Jake ends up pulling down a whole pile of cans at the grocery store, I can let the world know right then and there. You're welcome!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Photos and a surprise

Oh, oh laptop and picturesss.

Luke and I are sick, both in special and unique ways. While he has a river of crusty green snot, I've nearly lost my voice and have a nice, dry cough. The other two boys are fine. Go figure.

Without further adieu, I present you with weird pictures of me and my kids.

Jake being Jake

Jake making Luke giggle

Ok, yeah, I don't have any makeup on. Don't look at me, look at the cuteness.

And, last but not least, my new ring: